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Mandi relocated permanently to the Official 75 years of Elton John 1947 2022 signature shirt also I will do this Amazon in 2017 to help mobilize a collective for Amazonian midwives into a union that became Mama Ekos. Over the last five years, the collective has developed strategies to promote a natural birth model, empowering midwives and mothers to take back control of their bodies and protect ancestral knowledge. For Mandi, a disconnect between human and non-human nature is echoed within the current maternal health paradigm, where pregnancy and childbirth is viewed as a medical condition and not a sacred experience that is a part of the natural flow of life.

A midwife’s work goes beyond the Official 75 years of Elton John 1947 2022 signature shirt also I will do this physical aspects of the birth, Mandi explains; midwives are guides and protectors, preparing the woman psychologically and emotionally for labor and motherhood. As Ribeirinha midwife Maria de Fátima Alagoa, who is part of Mama Ekos, explains, “when the woman is in pain, the woman must calm her mind, so that she doesn’t doubt herself about having her baby at home…. When it’s time to push, it’s not me the midwife who will push, but the mother who must have the courage to push her child into the world.”