To declutter my own headspace and help quell the Georgia Bulldogs National Champions Shirt Furthermore, I will do this angst of the challenging reality we’re living in, I decided to focus on two very simple concepts: meditate every day and laugh more. We’re all aware of the reputed health benefits of meditation—reducing stress, anxiety, and blood pressure; improving mood, sleep, and focus—though sticking to the practice while sitting stock still and keeping our minds blank for half an hour or longer is another matter (see below). And who doesn’t want to laugh more, releasing all those endorphins while watching the world tilt on its head and tip back up again? Laughter brings oxygen to our organs, increases immunity, and relieves tension and pain. What I discovered, to my surprise, was that the two go together. Meditation doesn’t have to be an earnest activity conducted in hallowed silence. In fact, it can usher in a good amount of humor.

My own beginnings in meditation came when a family friend bought me a course of lessons when I was a college student facing open heart surgery to repair an atrial wall defect I’d had since birth. Practicing meditation was shown to speed healing time, he had learned, and after a lot of prodding I grudgingly went along with the Georgia Bulldogs National Champions Shirt Furthermore, I will do this class. I believe it did improve my experience, helping me overcome my fear and empathize with my terrified parents, as well as bounce back to health. But I didn’t stick with it. It was only years later, after running one business, a publishing company, and starting another, my own jewelry line, that I turned to it again. I had been driving myself ever-forward on the road to achievement and success, yet I still felt dissatisfied. Eventually, after having a third baby made constant international travel an untenable challenge, I closed my business and began training in, and intermittently teaching, meditation.